DAUTI: Automated Universal Traffic Introspector
PML: a Language for Platform Modeling
CSC: Criticality-Sensitive Coordination
In this paper we argue for UML-based metamodeling and pattern-based graph transformation techniques in computer-based systems development through an illustrative example from the domain of embedded systems. We present a tool that uses advanced graph-rewriting techniques to generate a schedule that satisfies hard real-time constraints for multi-modal systems. The input is a time-triggered system specification (using the Giotto language); the output is an instruction sequence for the E-machine: a virtual machine for hard real-time embedded systems. The resulting model may be refined into a) system implementations (E-code programs) through a trivial synthesis process and b) development-time analysis models expressing the properties of the system implemented over different execution platforms. Furthermore, we identify the next steps to be taken towards generating analysis models using explicit platform models.
In this paper, we describe the language and features of our graph transformation tool, GReAT.We begin with a brief introduction and motivation, followed by an overview of the actual language, the modeling framework, and the tools that were written to support transformations. Finally, we compare GReAT to other similar tools, discuss additional functionality we are currently implementing, and describe some of our experiences with the tool thus far.
Many future earth and space science missions will be composed of multiple spacecraft requiring autonomous capabilities for both opportunistic and coordinated science observations. The Adaptive Network Architecture (ANA) is a software framework composed of multiple, heterogeneous software agents designed for real-time operation of constellations or formations of spacecraft. The ANA is built
upon mature terrestrial standards and best practices for software development, including CORBA Component middleware designed for distributed real-time embedded systems. In this paper we present the further development of the ANA's Science Agent to include a hierarchical computational architecture for reconfigurable on-board science processing. The architecture allows for runtime reconfiguration and/or redeployment of software components across a set of processors based on the available computational resources and changes in operating mode. Application of the science data processing framework to the upcoming Magnetospheric Multi-Scale (MMS) mission is also discussed.
WiNeSim: A Wireless Network Simulation Tool
We provide an overview of WiNeSim, a highly extensible wireless
network modeling and simulation tool with a network attackmodeling
component. WiNeSim provides a high-level graphical
modeling interface for the rapid declarative specification of network
configurations, including the selection of node hardware, MAC protocols,
and routing protocols. Furthermore, it enables users to specify
certain network nodes to act as “smart” attackers who adapt their
behavior and attack styles based on perceived network conditions in
accordance with user-specified algorithms given as timed automata.
WiNeSim is designed to easily integrate new network protocols and
attack styles.