Yu Huang
Assistant Professor

Dr. Yu Huang leads the research of the MIND Lab – the Mixed INtelligence Development for programming lab. Her research focuses on understanding and combining developer and machine intelligence to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in the software development process. Specifically, her group focuses on human factors and human-centered AI for software engineering, including user cognition, sustainability for open source software, AI for software engineering, and computer science education. Her work aims to bridge the divide between human cognition and automated models for programming. Her work spans software, hardware, AI, medical imaging (fMRI and fNIRS), eye tracking, and mobile sensing, collaborating with researchers from Security, Education, Psychology and Neuroscience. Her group also works on social aspects in the software engineering community.
Dr. Yu Huang received her PhD in Computer Science from University of Michigan in 2021. She received her MS in Computer Engineering from University of Virginia in 2015 and her BS in Aerospace Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology in China in 2011.