Human cyber-physical systems where humans and computing are tightly integrated into a physical environment. Software-integrated systems often interact with humans, frequently forming a symbiotic relationship, where the result is more than the sum of its parts. Our projects research the science and engineering of such systems, where humans are assisted by computational systems.

  • Human/AI/machine partnerships: education and learning systems where humans and computing systems collaborate in a symbiotic relationship
  • Learning and training environments where humans are taught complex knowledge and skills

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Human-machine interactions

Collaborative Research: Beyond CS Principles: Engaging Female High School Students in New Frontiers of Computing

Building on the foundations set by the AP Computer Science (CS) Principles course, this project seeks to dramatically expand access, especially for high school girls, to the most exciting and emerging frontiers of computing, such as distributed computation, the internet of things (IoT), cybersecurity, and machine learning, as well as other 21st century skills required to productively leverage computational methods and tools in virtually every profession.

Collaborative Research: Computational Modeling for Integrating Science and Engineering Design (CMISE): Model Construction, Manipulation, and Exploration

Computational Modeling for Integrating Science and Engineering Design (CMISE) will conduct a series of experiments to systematically compare different computational modeling activities on 5th and 6th grade students’ engineering design processes, their understanding of engineering, science and computational thinking concepts, as well as science teachers’ confidence and ability to implement integrated STEM and computing curricula.

Collaborative Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Prepare Undergraduates for Data Science Using Real-World High Frequency Data

With support from the NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Program: Education and Human Resources (IUSE: EHR), this project aims to serve the national interest by improving undergraduate understanding of data science. It will accomplish this goal by incorporating data science concepts and skill development in undergraduate courses in biology, computer science, engineering, and environmental science.

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