State-of-the-art systems engineering is model-based: models are used in all phases of systems’ lifecycle. An exciting new research direction focuses on symbiotic design where  human-driven model-based design processes are   complemented by AI/ML assisted components. Our research covers a broad range of engineering activities where models and data are used both in design and in operations.

  • Cyber-physical systems and human cyber-physical systems where humans and computing are tightly integrated into a physical environment
  • Design-space exploration, both parametric and combinatorial, with optimization and trade-offs
  • Fault diagnostics and prognostics, system health management
  • Foundations for Model-integrated Computing / Model-driven design: meta-programmable modeling tools, formal frameworks, domain-specific modeling languages, model transformations, and run-time environments for model-driven system development
  • Model integration platforms for physical and biological systems
  • Resilient systems that can recover from faults of cyber-effects and continue operating
  • Assurance of Cyber-physical systems with learning-enabled components
  • Software engineering environments for agile and adaptive system development
  • System verification and validation, including both formal and coverage-driven methods
  • Large-scale heterogeneous simulation environments for studying complex, emerging behaviors in system-of-systems

View Projects

Model-based design & design automation

Combining Real-time & Offline Decision Making for Urban Air Mobility Systems

The goal of this project is to support safe operations of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for urban mobility. UAVs operations present hazards to other airspace users and people and property on the ground, and monitoring, analysis, and control schemas need to be developed to ensure that the risks attributed to these hazards are managed at acceptable levels.

CPS: Small: Integrated Reconfigurable Control and Moving Target Defense for Secure Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems created as networks of interacting physical and computational processes. Most modern products in major industrial sectors, such as automotive, avionics, medical devices, and power systems already are or rapidly becoming CPS driven by new requirements and competitive pressures.

Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Support (2021)

The Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Approach is a Government-industry developed software standard and business strategy with the goals to:

• Increase the affordability of capabilities
• Improve time-to-field, delivering new capabilities to the warfighter faster

The FACE Approach integrates technical and business practices that establish a standard common operating environment to support portable capabilities across avionics systems.

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