In all software-integrated system computing and communication platforms play an essential role: they serve as the foundation for architecting complex systems from composition frameworks for interacting components on one hand, and as the isolation layer to shield the higher layers from low-level details on the other hand. Several of our projects deal with the design and engineering of such platforms.

  • Cloud and edge computing: highly distributed, systems-of-systems
  • Distributed real-time embedded systems: distributed systems operating under timing constraint
  • Distributed co-simulation platforms
  • Collaboration platforms, tool and data repositories
  • Network embedded systems: distributed systems where the boundary and separation between computing and communication architectures disappears, including but not limited to wireless sensor network
  • Decentralized systems: systems where functions are completely decentralized, including but not limited to systems based on distributed ledger, blockchain, consensus algorithms, etc.
  • Internet of things: systems dynamically formed from ad-hoc networked computing and communication nodes
  • North-American Testbed for Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)

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Computing platforms

Rapid Scenario-Driven Integrated Simulation Experimentation Framework

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are composed of a wide range of networked physical, computational, and human/organization components. These systems are highly complex as they have many different heterogeneous components, such as physical, computational, and human. Simulation-based evaluation of the behavior of CPS is complex, as it involves multiple, heterogeneous, interacting domains. Each simulation domain has sophisticated tools, but their integration into a coherent framework is a difficult, time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone task.

WIPER: Wireless anti Poaching collar for Elephants and Rhinos

WIPER is a novel wireless animal-borne anti-poaching device that provides an immediate alert with a GPS location to authorities once a shot is detected near the protected animals. WIPER is based on a low-power acoustic shot detector integrated into existing GPS tracking collars currently being used to study a wide variety of animals. As opposed to muzzle blast-based detectors, WIPER detects the ballistic shockwave generated by the bullet that cannot be muffled by suppressors commonly used by poachers.

Self-Powered Ultrasonic Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring

Pre-curser for Fully Distributed Control of Powergrids

CPS: Small: Integrated Reconfigurable Control and Moving Target Defense for Secure Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems created as networks of interacting physical and computational processes. Most modern products in major industrial sectors, such as automotive, avionics, medical devices, and power systems already are or rapidly becoming CPS driven by new requirements and competitive pressures.

Air Taxi (Hybrid or Electric) aero Nautical Simulation (ATHENS)

Automated design processes, especially using Machine Learning/AI techniques, require proposed systems to be evaluated across all relevant attributes, requirements, and concerns.  Traditionally, teams create models in a set of engineering tools for design evaluation data. 

Integrated Microgrid Control Platform (IMCP)

This project aims at developing and demonstrating a highly reusable ‘software platform’ that can be easily adapted to and used in various microgrid configurations.

The Virtual Organization for Cyber-Physical Research (CPS-VO)

The objective of the proposed CPS “virtual organization” (CPS-VO) is to actively build and support the multidisciplinary community needed to underpin this new research discipline and enable international and interagency collaboration on CPS.
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