Mobile Air Quality Monitoring Network

Air pollution is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of life and the health of the increasingly urban population of industrial societies. In the U.S., all major cities have networks of monitoring stations providing continuous measurements of the most important pollutants. However, the number of these stations is usually very small. Furthermore, currently the data of the different pollutants measured at the different stations in the city are aggregated to a single number, the air quality index (AQI), that is published once a day on a website.

Multimodal Target Tracking with Heterogeneous Sensor Networks


Recent advances in information, micro-scale, and embedded vision technologies are enabling the vision of ambient intelligence and smart environments. Environments will react in an attentive, adaptive and active way to the presence and activities of humans and other objects in order to provide intelligent/smart services. Heterogeneous sensor networks (HSN) with embedded vision, acoustic, and possibly other sensor modalities is a pivotal technology for the realization of these systems.

Rapid Scenario-Driven Integrated Simulation Experimentation Framework

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are composed of a wide range of networked physical, computational, and human/organization components. These systems are highly complex as they have many different heterogeneous components, such as physical, computational, and human. Simulation-based evaluation of the behavior of CPS is complex, as it involves multiple, heterogeneous, interacting domains. Each simulation domain has sophisticated tools, but their integration into a coherent framework is a difficult, time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone task.

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