Multi-channel Psych

Submitted by Amy Karns on

Develop an integrated model of anhedonic depression capturing both internal biological factors and externally-manifested and quantifiable symptom-correlated biometrics and behavioral measures. This model should stratify people into those who will be treatment sensitive and those who will be treatment resistant with 80% accuracy, consistent with the current 20% false negative rate for mammograms.

CAREER: At-scale Analysis of Issues in Cyber-security and Software Engineering

One of the most significant challenges in cybersecurity is that humans are involved in software engineering and inevitably make security mistakes in their implementation of specifications, leading to software vulnerabilities. A challenge to eliminating these mistakes is the relative lack of empirical evidence regarding what secure coding practices (e.g., secure defaults, validating client data, etc.), threat modeling, and educational solutions are effective in reducing the number of application-level vulnerabilities that software engineers produce.

SCC-IRG Track 1: Mobility for all - Harnessing Emerging Transit Solutions for Underserved Communities

Public transportation infrastructure is an essential component in cultivating equitable communities. However, public transit agencies have historically struggled to achieve this since they are often severely stressed in terms of resources as they have to make the trade-off between concentrating service into routes that serve large numbers of people and spreading service out to ensure that people everywhere have access to at least some service.

Rapid Scenario-Driven Integrated Simulation Experimentation Framework

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are composed of a wide range of networked physical, computational, and human/organization components. These systems are highly complex as they have many different heterogeneous components, such as physical, computational, and human. Simulation-based evaluation of the behavior of CPS is complex, as it involves multiple, heterogeneous, interacting domains. Each simulation domain has sophisticated tools, but their integration into a coherent framework is a difficult, time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone task.

FW-HTF Theme 1: Collaborative Research: Augmenting and Advancing Cognitive Performance of Control Room Operators for Power Grid Resiliency

The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier (FW-HTF) is one of 10 new Big Ideas for Future Investment announced by the National Science Foundation. The FW-HTF cross-directorate program aims to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the changing landscape of jobs and work by supporting convergent research. This award fulfills part of that aim.

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